How you can help​
There are many ways you can help us in the fight against poverty in Israel right now. Whether you are an individual or a business, you can provide hope to so many families and children, providing them with short and long term relief from poverty.

Feed someone now​
You can donate online now to directly contribute to putting food in the mouths of poverty stricken families in Israel, just £18 feeds a child for a week.
We desperately need your support to ensure that no family has to wonder where their next meal is coming from, let's make certain this isn’t the case, together.

Having a Simcha?​
Share the joy and meaning to your Simcha by also remembering fellow Israelis who are not as fortunate as ourselves, or volunteer in one of our centres in Israel, especially if you are having a Bat/Bar Mitzvah.
You may also wish to encourage your guests to donate in place of a gift.
We would be delighted to provide further details and answer any of your queries.